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Nursing Care Industry
Better Human-resources, Through Better Organization, Better Companies !
Why a Filipino caregiver?
The Philippines is very cheerful, friendly and joyful in Japan, and has a tradition that can't be seen in any other country. Not only are Japanese language skills important to nursing work! People from other nations are highly motivated to develop their jobs, but lack compassion and entertainment.
As a national policy, the Philippine government is encouraging migrant workers. We also focus on the development of human resources with 230 kinds of vocational training provided at vocational schools across the Philippines. Around 10 million workers are working as migrant workers abroad (OFW) or around 10 percent of the population of The Philippines. They are present across 130 countries. More than 10 percent of GDP is reflected by foreign currency returned to the Philippines and is practically a key industry in the country.
Migrant workers in overseas countries face many issues, such as high placement fees, violation of labor contracts, and mismatch with skills and jobs. The Philippine government has developed a licensing system, an accreditation system for employers outside the country, a blacklisting of malicious companies an intergovernmental coordinator and a reporting system for employers performing illegal acts and malicious agencies on several occasions.
While Japanese language is not the only requirement, caregivers can interact well with health-care professionals, residents and patients, while getting few feedback and gaining skills quickly. The good care workers from the Philippines work hard to become good caregivers from Japan!
Care worker is one of the most secured jobs to get working visa. There are three ways to persuade.
1. Studying at care worker vocational school in Japan or what we call a student visa program through our partners who provide services to foreign students.
1. 日本の介護福祉士専門学校で学ぶことや、留学生向けのサービスを提供している提携先を通じて、いわゆる学生ビザプログラムを利用すること。
2. Start working as a trainee, under Technical Intern Training Program(TITP), in the careworker field.2. TITP(Technical Intern Training Program)の技能実習生として、介護福祉士の分野で働き始める。
3. Passing the required tests and obtaining a job offer as Specified Skilled Worker(SSW) visa.3. 必要な試験に合格し、特定技能労働者(SSW)ビザとしての仕事のオファーを得る。
A careworker is the person who is engaged in caregiving within various prefectures in Japan in the approved object facilities (nursing home care/health care institutions) under the categories listed above.
POLO updates and news features related to care worker deployment to Japan
DO 188 B 18 Guidelines on the Implementation of the Organization for Technical Intern Training Program in Relation in Relation to the Technical Intern Training TIT for Care Worker Job Category 1
DO 188 B 18 介護福祉士職種1の技能実習生TITに関連した技能実習生プログラムの実施機関に関するガイドライン
•The guidelines for the ‘care worker ' job category under the Technical Intern Training Program. They set out the qualification of the applicants who would like to work as a care worker in Japan.
Click on the link to learn more about the guidelines for the implementation of care worker job category under Technical Intern Training Program(TITP)
Technical Intern Training Program(TITP)の介護福祉士職種実施ガイドラインについては、リンクをクリックしてください。
⇒ 続きを読む
The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) released the guidelines on the deployment of Filipino workers to Japan under the status of residence of “specified skilled worker.”
労働雇用省(DOLE)は、"特定技能労働者 "の在留資格でフィリピン人労働者を日本に派遣する際のガイドラインを発表しました。
Further news on DOLE releases guidance on workers ' deployment to Japan⇒ Read More
DOLE releases guidance on workers' deployment to Japanに関するニュース⇒ Read More
PHGIC are glad to begin the registration of its partner Dispatching Agency (DA) and Foreign Placement agencies (FPA) in Japan with the official list of qualified Sending Organizations to the Specified Skilled Worker Program (SSW). Click to view the list
Latest News Article
•Good news for ex EPA nurse who failed the exam
In the next five years, in the face of a massive lack of care worker , Japan is using a new visa for foreign applicants who have not passed an examination to allow them to remain in Japan.
The government is thinking about giving such candidates who come to Japan under the economic partnership agreement (EPA) a second chance to work in the country under the new “specified skills” working visa, valid for a maximum five years.⇒ Read More
•Fewer Workers, Growing Need
Japanese society is aging at an unprecedented rate. Data collected by the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare indicates that the number of people certified as requiring some type of long-term care or support is growing year by year. In fiscal 2017, this figure stood at 6.3 million, fully 18% of the country’s 35.8 million people over the age of 65.日本の社会はかつてないスピードで高齢化が進んでいます。厚生労働省のデータによると、要介護・要支援認定者の数は年々増加しています。2017年度の要介護認定者数は630万人で、65歳以上の人口3,580万人の18%を占めています。What can be done to improve conditions for care workers, as Japan's aging population faces a growing need for them? ⇒ Read More
•New Center for Foreign Training to nurture care workers for improved quality by practical skills training to open by the end of next month
In Chukei news in Chubu, Japan, our care-worker trainees were featured. They are trained in the nursing-care training center founded for foreign workers to enhance their care-giving skills. ⇒ Read More
Learning Text for the Nursing Care Skill Assessment Test and the Japanese Nursing Care Assessment Test
It is said that if you review the texts you will be able to answer all questions in the exam. You can get text PDF at the bottom of the site below.
⇒Japanese textbook for nursing care(English version)
Information regarding SSW skill test for nursing care assessment test
You can take the test almost every day in Manila, the Philippines.
Test schedule in the Philippines:フィリピンのマニラでは、ほぼ毎日テストを受けることができます。
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