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- Status of Residence
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- Status of Residence
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Engineer/Specialist in humanities/International services
Better Human-resources, Through Better Organization, Better Companies !
English Teachers
Highly Skilled Professionals
In the industrial sector, in order to cope with the rapid advance of the industrial structure, it is essential to secure highly qualified foreign human resources (technology, humanistic knowledge and International Services) with advanced skills and knowledge, such as IT engineers, various kinds of engineers, and English teachers at kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools, and English language schools has become an urgent matter for the employment of highly qualified personnel in these industries.
As the 21 century is said to be an era of keen competition for human resources, in addition to the demand for human resources from the United States, the Middle East, and other countries that were the overwhelming majority of workers, there has recently been a surge in demand from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and other European countries such as Germany and the United Kingdom.
The announcement of the "Forecasts of industries that will lose manpower in the next 10 years" by Harvard University came as a shock to industry. Without waiting for this Harvard University announcement, it is obvious that the simpler the labor is, the more it is replaced by machines, but the rapid spread of IT/AI technology is expanding and accelerating the range of industries that do not require simple labor.
Unfortunately, until this recently our country employed only a small number of highly qualified foreign workers from these times. Recently, however, the demand for highly skilled Filipino human resources has begun to grow, and large companies and recruitment agencies have flooded in with inquiries about highly skilled Filipino human resources. The Government of Japan aims to double the number of foreign IT personnel from 30,000 to 60,000 by 2020.
According to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the number of foreign workers was approximately 1.28 million as of the end of October 2017. Those who are called "highly skilled foreign personnel" are among the 238, 000 people who do what is called "specialized and technical fields". Foreigners who wish to stay in Japan for the medium to long term must obtain "Status of Residence" in accordance with the (Immigration Control Act) "Immigration Control Act and Refugee Recognition Act". When an ordinary company is considering the use of highly skilled foreign human resources, it is assumed that this status of residence will provide work equivalent to "specialized and technical fields". Among the statuses of residence equivalent to this "specialized and technical fields", "Technical, Specialist in Humanities and International Services" is the most common.In 2015, the "highly professional" visa, which specializes in highly skilled foreign nationals, was newly established. Under the new visa, foreign nationals who wish to stay in Japan for a long period of time among highly skilled foreign nationals are granted a 5 year visa if they are "Advanced Specialist No. 1" and an indefinite visa if they are "Advanced Specialist Level 2".
Flow from Application to Entry
In order to accept highly-skilled Filipinos, in addition to obtaining residence status from the Immigration Bureau of the Ministry of Justice, you need to go through the necessary procedures at administrative agencies such as the Philippine Overseas Labor Office in Japan (POLO) and the Philippines Overseas Employment Agency (POEA), and issue a visa at the Japanese Embassy. In this section, we introduce the main process from the settlement of a partnership agreement between the sending organization and the employer to the arrival of highly skilled workers in the Philippines.
1. Consultations and Statement of Contracts on the Acceptance of Highly-Skilled human Resources
The conditions under which the employer company and the sending organization carry out the work of sending highly skilled workers are determined. They also exchange special delegation agreements called SPA. Usually, a representative of the employer company will travel to the Philippines and sign the contract there.
また、SPAと呼ばれる特別委任契約などの取り交わしを行います。通常は雇用主企業代表者がフィリピンに渡航していただき、現地で契約の締結を行っていただきます。2. Determination of Conditions of Employment and Preparation of Documents in the Employer's Company
In order to accept highly-skilled Filipino workers, it is necessary to obtain approval from POLO and POEA prior to interview and immigration application. In addition, documents such as an employment contract which describes the working conditions related to the employment of highly skilled human resources at the employer's company are required at the time of application, so we ask you to determine those conditions and prepare the documents first.
3. Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) Procedure
Submit Special Delegation Agreements (SPA) one (1) copy and needed documents 2 copies to POLO to confirm the existence of the employer and the working conditions. Shortly after submission of the documents, POLO will notify the employer of the date and time of the interview, and the representative of the employer will visit POLO in Tokyo to meet the schedule and have an interview with the labor representative. POLO will send a document with an approval stamp at a later date.
*This procedure is required when hiring foreign technical interns, but not necessarily for highly skilled foreign personnel.
4. Philippine Overseas Employment Authority (POEA) procedures
To submit the document sent from POLO to the sending organization, and then submit it to POEA via the Philippine sending organization. This will confirm the contract between the employer and the sending organization, and register the employer and its job information.
5. Recruiting, Interviewing, and Concluding Contract for Highly skilled Human Resources
The Philippine sending agency recruits workers who meet the requirements of the employer's company. We invite as many applicants as possible through the Internet and information sessions, and then select candidates who meet the conditions. In addition, the organization that sends workers to the Philippines provides guidance, investigates their personalities, work histories, and criminal histories, determines their suitability, and then narrows down candidates who can confidently introduce them to employers for interviews.
The PHGIC Human Resources Information System allows users to enter a password to view the personal information of advanced highly skilled human resources by category. We select highly skilled workers who meet the needs of the employer’s company, and after matching with the candidates, we adjust the schedule and conduct interviews in the Philippines. The applicants can also take the practical examination (Qualification exam for skill level, especially in the IT field) at any Philippine sending institutions.
If you can't go to the Philippines by all means, we can offer you an interview using the internet such as Skype. You will be asked to sign a contract of employment conditions with the candidates for the highly qualified human resources who passed the interview.
どうしてもフィリピンに行くことが出来ない場合にはSkypeなどインターネットを使用した面接をご提供することも可能です。面接の結果合格した高度人材候補者と雇用条件契約を締結していただきます6. POEA Letter of Recommendation, Application Document Preparation
A sending organization in the Philippines that sends workers prepares the necessary documents for the employer's immigration application. Prepare the POEA documents and other necessary documents and send them to the employer.
7. Application for Issuance of Certificate of Eligibility
Apply directly from the employer to the nearest Immigration Bureau or indirectly to a Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist and apply for a Certificate of Eligibility (COE).
(Japanese language education, cross-cultural education, and labor ethics education)
We provide a variety of education programs to meet the needs of employers during the application period. Education costs are borne by the employer. Unlike foreign technical interns, the Japanese language, cultural differences, and work ethics education are not a prerequisite for coming to Japan for highly skilled workers, but since they can communicate in Japanese after coming to Japan, they are taught in Japanese language schools approved by TESDA (Philippine Agency for Technical Education and Skills Development Authority).
雇用主企業より最寄りの入国管理局に直接、または申請取次行政書士に申請を依頼し間接的に在留資格認定証明書交付申請Application for Certificate of Eligibility (COE)を行います。
申請期間を活用し雇用主企業のご要望に応じて各種教育を提供しています。教育関係費用は雇用主企業の負担となります。外国人技能実習生と違い高度人材に対しては日本語・異文化・労働倫理の教育は来日のための必須条件ではありませんが、来日後日本語でのコミュニケーションが図れるため、TESDA(フィリピン技術教育技能開発庁)認可の日本語学校において日本語を教えています。8.Issuance of Certificate of Eligibility
The Bureau of Immigration issues a certificate of eligibility for residence to the employer. After that, the selected applicants need to send the certificate to the sending organization in the Philippines
9. Visa Application
After collecting the necessary documents such as a certificate of eligibility that has arrived at the Philippines through the sending organization(licensed) the selected applicants apply to the Japanese Embassy for a visa for a highly-skilled worker. After a few days of examination, you will be issued a visa.
10. PDOS
PDOS is an abbreviation for Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar, a pre-departure orientation seminar designed to educate Filipino nationals working overseas about the requirements of the OWWA (Overseas Workers Welfare Agency). This is a required course for Filipino nationals who travel abroad for work. If you have not, you will not be allowed to leave the Philippines. Most providers outsource the PDOS and have students attend the classes on a weekly schedule.
10. PDOS
PDOSとはPre-Departure Orientation SeminarというOWWA(海外労働者福祉庁)が規定する内容を海外で就労するフィリピン国籍者に教育する出国前オリエンテーションセミナーの略称です。海外に就労目的で渡航するフィリピン国籍者は必ず受講しなければならない必須の講習です。もしもこれを受けていない場合には、フィリピンからの出国が許可されません。ほとんどの送出し機関はPDOSを外部に委託しており、週1回の予定にあわせて受講させます。
11. POEA Procedure
You will be able to travel to Japan only after you submit your proof of PDOS and other documents to POEA again.
12. Japan
After the above procedures, highly skilled Filipinos will come to Japan.
PHGIC © 2019