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Japanese Language Training School
Better Human-resources, Through Better Organization, Better Companies !
Sage Asian Language and Education Center Bulacan Inc.
click here sagebulacan.com
About the importance of learning Japanese
Under the current Technical Intern Training Program for Foreign Nationals (excluding nursing care workers), Japanese language proficiency is not a requirement for coming to Japan. In general, TESDA-certified Japanese Language Schools are trained as prescribed pre-arrival education after selecting candidates in an interview.
For trainees to enter Japan, a N4 or greater Japanese Language Proficiency test (JLPT) is needed. The Japanese language proficiency level of specified skill No. 1 is based on the capacity of the individual employees to have a certain amount of daily discussion and a certain level of ability required for each field of employment.
The level of Japanese language proficiency in specified skills is assessed by the Japanese Language Proficiency Test or the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N4 or higher) and the Japanese Long-Term Care Assessment Test (Nursing care only). The Japanese Language Proficiency Test, a computer-based testing (CBT) method, is scheduled to begin approximately 6 times a year starting on April 2019. Those who take the N4 or higher Japanese language test have the basic level of Japanese language proficiency required for specified skills. You must pass the N4 proficiency test in Japanese in this manner.
指定された技能についての日本語能力のレベルは、日本語能力試験または日本語能力試験(N4以上)と日本語介護評価試験(介護のみ)で評価されます。日本語能力試験」は、CBT(Computer Based Testing)方式で、2019年4月から年6回程度の開始を予定しています。N4以上の日本語試験を受験された方は、特定技能に必要な基礎的な日本語能力を有しています。この方法で日本語能力試験N4に合格する必要があります。
The Japanese language schools with which PHGIC has partnered recognize the importance of Japanese language education prior to entry into Japan, and are working to improve the quality of teachers and learning methods by thoroughly implementing education that enables students to pass the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N4 or higher.
In Bulacan, the SAGE Japanese Language School is recognized as the best Japanese language center.
As part of an existing technical internship program for foreigners those who wish to work in Japan may study the Japanese language within the period following the successful completion of the interview, The tuition charge of Japanese language school is paid by the students but we have also introduced a scholarship system for every Japanese language in whose language tuition is free of charge. The study costs vary with the Supervising Organization but the employer in Japan bears the cost.
Because Japanese Language Proficiency Test N4 or higher is the entry requirement for technical interventions in nursing positions and specific skills No. 1, each independent student in Japanese language from an undergoing study as an advanced student as a N4 or higher level.
The scholar program will help Filipinos with unfortunate family environments and strong motivation to work in Japan to acquire the Japanese language and will be a step towards the N4 or higher Japanese-language skills test.
The scholarship student of the Japanese language study
1. Having a strong desire to work in Japan
2. Successful candidates who have passed the skills assessment test for the desired industry or who are eligible for Caregiving NCII
3. Intensity, Tenderness, Compassion, Perseverance, and Diligence
After carefully examining the above conditions, each Japanese language school will apply and select students.
Please feel free to contact us as we can offer pre-study of Japanese language at the request of Japanese companies and nursing care providers.
An individual who has passed the N4 Japanese Language Proficiency Test (persons considered to be of equivalent or higher capacity) is needed for item (i) technical internship (year 1) and the individual who has completed the N3 Japanese Language Proficiency Test (ii) technical internship (year 2) training. You will have to return to your nation within a period of 1 year if you do not pass the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N3 on application for the second year (9 months from entry)
1. 日本で働きたいという強い気持ちがあること
2. 希望業種のスキル診断テストに合格した方、または介護NCIIの資格をお持ちの方
3. 強度、優しさ、思いやり、忍耐力、勤勉さ
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