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Interview Meeting
Better Human-resources, Through Better Organization, Better Companies !
Nineteenth Online Interview
Seventeenth Online Interview
Fifteenth Online Interview
Thirteenth Online Interview
Eleventh Online Interview
Ninth Online Interview
Seventh Online Interview
Fifth Online Interview
A virtual pat on the back to all applicants that were with us on today's interview. Job well done! Our Japanese employer was impressed and already relayed a very uplifting news-- all seven (7) of you has been selected! With the uncertainty of our current situation, this is also a great news not only for you applicants but for us as well. We are more than glad to be able to continuously build the bridge between hopeful individuals and seeking employers.
今日の面接に参加した応募者の皆さん、本当にお疲れ様でした。お疲れ様でした。私たちの日本の雇用者は感銘を受け、すでに非常に明るいニュースを伝えてくれました--7人全員が採用されたのです 不安定な状況の中、これは応募者の皆さんにとってだけでなく、私たちにとっても素晴らしいニュースです。私たちは、希望に満ちた人たちと企業を求める人たちとの間に、継続的な橋渡しができることを何よりも嬉しく思っています。Eighteenth Online Interview
Sixteenth Online Interview
Fourteenth Online Interview
Twelfth Online Interview
tenth Online Interview
Eighth Online Interview
Sixth Online Interview
Fourth Online Interview
A conference between 2 employers and 4 applicants supported by PHGIC's President concluded the 4th online interview. It was done yesterday, August 3rd, 2020 and the good news was already delivered to the selected applicants. Regardless of the quarantine level, we'll continuously process your applications. More employers are waiting!
PHGIC社長のサポートのもと、2社の企業と4名の応募者による会議が行われ、第4回オンラインインタビューが終了しました。昨日、2020年8月3日に行われましたが、選ばれた応募者にはすでに朗報が届いています。検疫レベルに関わらず、引き続き応募を受け付けています。よりThird online interview for care workers
Our Japanese employers are still in search for Filipino care workers that suits their company. Don't miss the chance to be employed and work in Japan. Contact us now!
日本の雇用主は、自社に合ったフィリピン人介護士を探しています。日本で雇用されて働くチャンスをお見逃しなく。今すぐお問い合わせください。Second Online Interview for care worker applicants
Employers do not stop looking for more Filipino care workers hence the success of our 2nd virtual interview held last July 2,2020. Wherein 6 out of 10 applicants will soon be going to Japan!
雇用主は、より多くのフィリピン人介護労働者を求めて止みません。そのため、去る2020年7月2日に開催された第2回バーチャル面接は成功しました。応募者10名のうち6名が日本に行くことになりました。Our first batch of online interview for care worker applicants
June 16, 2020 has been a very productive day! Our first attempt for an online interview directly with the employers was smoother and more successful than planned. All seven (7) applicants, in the comfort of their own houses got the chance to speak with them and hopefully be employed.
2020年6月16日は、とても充実した一日でした。初めての試みである、採用企業との直接のオンライン面接は、予定よりもスムーズに成功しました。7人の応募者全員が、家にいながらにして、採用担当者と話をする機会を得ることができました。Japanese employers are in search for tomato farmers
For many Japanese, the quality and origin of their food is of high importance. At the same time, Japanese farmers are striving to produce agricultural produce of highest quality. Just as picking the freshest and sweetest tomato in the farm, one of our partner companies came looking for the best worker here in The Philippines. In a very recently done interview by Japanese employers, 11 Filipina women were put to some written and physical tests. After they were all equally judged, 3 topped the tests and will soon fly to Japan to start their job.
多くの日本人にとって、食べ物の品質や産地は非常に重要です。同時に、日本の農家は最高品質の農産物を生産することに努めています。農場で最も新鮮で甘いトマトを収穫するように、私たちのパートナー企業の一つは、ここフィリピンで最高の労働者を探していました。最近、日本の企業が行った面接では、11人のフィリピン人女性が筆記試験と体力テストを受けました。均等に審査された結果、3人がトップになり、間もなく日本に渡って仕事を始めることになりました。A selection was made for qualified candidates as care workers
The Japanese employers went to The Philippines during the interview to find a suitable care workers who qualifies for their organization. The candidates are hoping to be selected and ready for this kind of event, as well as being witnessed by our Excellent Sending Organization Chairman and PHGIC staff. In the interview, the Japanese employers, who assessed the applicants, decided immediately afterwards who would be a part of the company, offer such life-time opportunities.
日本の雇用主は、自分たちの組織に適した介護福祉士を見つけるために、面接の際にフィリピンに行きました。候補者たちは、優秀な派遣団体の会長やPHGICのスタッフが見守る中、選ばれてこのようなイベントに参加することを望んでいます。面接では、応募者を評価した日本の企業側が、一生もののチャンスを与えてくれる会社の一員になる人を即座に決定しました。The employer selected the best candidates for scaffolding work
Eight applicants are ready for an interview and will give their best to the employer in our excellent licensed agencies for scaffolding work for their company in Japan. This Interview was attended by the Japanese employer together with his family and our excellent Chairman of the Supervising Organization. Only three candidates were the best to take this worthy role and were soon able to experience a great chance in Japan's new working environment.
8人の応募者は面接の準備ができており、日本の会社のために足場作業を行う優れたライセンス機関で雇用主に最善を尽くすつもりです。この面接には、日本の雇用主とその家族、そして当社の優秀な監督機関の会長が出席しました。たった3人の候補者が、この価値ある役割を担うのに最も適しており、すぐに日本の新しい労働環境で素晴らしいチャンスを経験することができました。A candidate selection qualified as a dairy farmer
An interview was held at our Licensed Recruitment Agency for a dairy farming work. Together with our excellent supervising organization's chairman and the Japanese employer. The said interview was also witnessed by the president of one of our Sending Organization. Just three out of eighteen participants in the interview were selected and will be able to work as a dairy farmer in Japan. Nevertheless, the remaining participants who have not been chosen have still an opportunity for further interviews. Those who want to work in Japan will be given opportunities
私たちのライセンスを持つ人材紹介会社で、酪農の仕事の面接が行われました。当社の優秀な監理団体の会長と日本の雇用主と一緒に。面接には派遣会社の社長も立ち会ってくれました。面接に参加した18人のうち、3人だけが選ばれ、日本で酪農家として働くことができるようになりました。惜しくも落選してしまった人にも、さらなる面接の機会があります。日本で働くことを希望する人には、チャンスが与えられます。The employer sought out the outstanding farm workers
The Japanese employer went to the Philippines to find a suitable farmer for the company. A multiple written and physical evaluation test was performed by the applicants before a face-to-face interview with the employer .The Japanese employer was satisfied with a varied assessment of the individual skills of the applicants. The interviewees who assessed the applicants had decided immediately who would be a farmer in their company and who would experience Japan's working culture.
日本の雇用主は、会社に適した農業従事者を見つけるためにフィリピンに行きました。日本の雇用主は、応募者の個人的なスキルを多様に評価して満足していた。応募者を評価した面接官は、誰が自分の会社Selection was made of qualified candidates as care workers
A partner of an excellent Accepting Organization takes part in such activities, seizes the opportunity to conduct an interview and select a care worker for their company during the research week of Japanese delegates here in the Philippines. Immediately after the interview, the qualified applicants are delighted that they are listed as a selected and will soon be in Japan to experience care facilities.
このような活動を行っている優秀な受け入れ団体のパートナーが、フィリピンで開催された日本代表団の研究週間に合わせて面接を行い、介護福祉士を選出する機会を得ました。面接の直後、応募者は自分が選ばれたことを喜び、間もなく日本で介護施設を体験することになりA newly selected care workers ' applicant in Japan
As more and more care workers in Japan are needed, an Excellent partner organization that acknowledges the Philippines is back to initiate an interview and recruit a Filipino employees for their company. Giving aspiring applicants the opportunity is the President himself with the chairman of our partnered Supervising Organization.The qualified candidates are announced after a matter of days of evaluation and are delighted to improve their career as they will learn Japanese style care and new technology offered at the facilities in Japan.
日本で介護人材が必要とされる中、フィリピンを認知しているエクセレントパートナー企業が、フィリピン人従業員の面接・採用を開始しました。希望者には、社長自らと提携先の監理団体の会長がチャンスを与えています。数日後には合格者が発表され、日本式の介護や日本の施設で提供されている新技術を学ぶことで、キャリアアップが図れると喜んでいます。A Selection has been made for Skilled Engineering Applicants
In view of the growing number of people who want to work in Japan, a Japanese Employer visited the Philippines to hire highly qualified employees. The Employer has explained their business in detail. Six applicants obtained a lifetime opportunity for an interview with the employer to showcase their capabilities and character. The outcome of the interview was announced immediately that the employer had chosen only three applicants who have the potential for the job.
日本での就職を希望する人が増えていることを受けて、日本の雇用主が優秀な人材を採用するためにフィリピンを訪れました。採用企業は自社の事業内容を詳細に説明しました。6人の応募者は、自分の能力や性格をアピールするために、一生に一度の雇用主との面接の機会を得た。面接の結果はすぐに発表され、雇用主は仕事の可能性を秘めた3人の応募者だけを選んだ。A Selection of Skilled Applicants as Caregivers was made by one of the Implementing Organization.
During the interview, the Japanese employer went to the Philippines to find additional caregivers qualifying for his institution. Candidates are guided and know the proper way through pre-education to actively participate with their employer. Besides being witnessed by our new Supervising Organization representative and other Japanese delegates who also look for various qualified employees in the Philippines.
Ex-trainees can return to Japan
Former trainees are notified and are told to go to the office that they may return to work in Japan as they are asked to return by their Japanese employer.All legal proceedings and documents that had to be complied with and carried out by the former trainees are being processed with the help of our good Sending Organization and Supervising Organization.The office welcomes ex-trainees as the Japanese employer gives them the new opportunity to return and work in Japan
元技能実習生には、日本の雇用主から日本での復職を求められていることを通知し、事務所に行くように伝えています。元技能実習生が遵守しなければならなかった法的手続きや書類は、私たちの優れた派遣機関と監督機関の助けを借りて処理されています。日本の雇用主が元技能実習生に日本での復職と就労の新たな機会を与えているため、事務所は元技能実習生を歓迎しています。Ex-EPA Orientation for Care Workers Wishing to Return to Japan
The guidance was given to ex-EPA wishing to return as a caregiver to Japan. The Japanese employers, the supervisory organization's representatives and six ex-EPA applicants attended the interview. The applicants were provided with information that can return to Japan through a technical internship program.
介護士として日本に戻ることを希望する元EPAにガイダンスを行いました。面接には、日本の雇用者、監督機関の代表者、6名の元EPA申請者が参加しました。応募者には、技能実習生制度を利用して日本に戻られる情報が提供されました。A New Accepting Organization in Japan has visited the Philippines to Select Caregivers
11 applicant candidates preparing and giving their best for an interview with the employer interview on the care employees to send in Japan which took place in our excellent licensed agency. The Japanese Employers and our excellent Chairman of the Supervisory Organization participated in this interview. Only two candidates were the best to take up this deserving position in the field and were soon able to experience the finest health equipment in Japan following a lengthy discussion for the chosen candidates.
11名の応募者は、日本に派遣する介護職員に関する雇用主との面接に向けて準備し、ベストを尽くしました。この面接には、日本の雇用者と当社の優れた監督機関の会長が参加しました。選ばれた2名の候補者だけが、この分野での相応しいポジションに就くことができ、選ばれた候補者のための長い議論の後、すぐに日本の最高の健康器具を体験することができました。One Applicant who Passed the Japanese Employer's Qualification in the Dairy Industry
An interview for a dairy farming job took place at our Licensed Recruitment Agency. Together with staff from our excellent Supervising Organization and the Japanese Employer. Also, witnessed the said interview was the president of one of our Sending Organization.
認可を受けた人材紹介会社で、酪農家の面接が行われました。優秀な監理団体のスタッフと日本の雇用主が一緒に参加しました。送り出し機関の社長も同席しました。The Interview with the Japanese Employer took place to Select Applicants Suitable for Care Workers in Japan.
During the recent visitation of Japan Delegates here in the Philippines for researching purposes, one of our supervising organizations also held an interview for care workers at our Licensed Recruitment Agency. Out of twelve (12) applicants on the said interview, only seven (7) were selected and will be given a chance to work in Japan as care worker. However, the remaining 5 applicants who were not selected still have the chance to be selected again through our Human Resource system, the supervising organizations can able to view their credentials and other hopeful applicants to be interview and soon to be part of one of the nursing companies in Japan. The PHGIC staffs together with PHGIC chairman assisted the delegates and applicants throughout the said event.
先日、日本代表団が調査目的でフィリピンを訪問した際に、監督機関のひとつが当社の認可を受けた人材紹介会社で介護福祉士の面接を行いました。面接では、12名の応募者のうち、7名が選ばれ、介護福祉士として日本で働く機会を得ることができました。しかし、落選した残りの5名の応募者には、当社の人事システムを通じて再選考のチャンスがあり、監督機関は応募者の資格を確認することができ、また他の希望者も面接を受けて、すぐに日本の介護会社の一員になることができます。PHGICのスタッフとPHGIC会長は、イベント期間中、参加者や応募者をサポートしました。Two Accepting Firm Interview and Select Candidates which suit their Respective Companies
Two Accepting Companies visited the Philippines for an interview at the Licensed Recruitment Agency for Scaffolding works. The two Accepting Companies participants were their representatives, and the Chairman of our excellent Supervisory Organization. The applicants who are selected at this event await a great opportunity. A total of 12 applicant’s interviewees, only three (3) have been selected to fit best with their companies. Congratulations to those who have been selected and also the others who have not been selected to participate in this kind of event.
受入企業2社がフィリピンを訪問し、足場作業のためのライセンスを持つ人材紹介会社でインタビューを行いました。参加した2社の代表者と優秀な監理団体の会長が出席しました。このイベントで選ばれた応募者には、大きなチャンスが待っています。合計12名の応募者が面接を受け、その中から3名の応募者が企業に最適な人材として選ばれました。選ばれた方はもちろん、惜しくも選ばれなかった方もおめでとうございます。The Employer was looking for the Exceptional Scaffolding Work Applicants
An interview on Scaffolding has been held at our Sending Organization in Malate, Manila. The people who were involved were Employers, the President of our outstanding Supervisory Organization, the high-spirited candidates and the employees of PHGIC. This is a lifetime opportunity to be selected as a scaffold for applicants who want to go to work in Japan. Only 2 candidates have been selected as the best candidates. There will be more opportunities for others that have not been selected.
マニラのマラテにある当社の派遣団体で、足場に関するインタビューが行われました。参加したのは、雇用主、優秀な監督機関の社長、志の高い候補者、そしてPHGICの従業員です。日本での就職を希望する応募者にとって、足場として選ばれるのは一生のチャンスです。最優秀賞に選ばれたのは2人だけです。惜しくも選ばれなかった方にもチャンスがあります。A Selection for Candidates Qualified as a Dairy Farmer
An interview on dairy farming (Shimane-ken Prefecture, Japan) has been held at Amelie Hotel in Malate, Manila. The employers, the Chairman of our excellent Supervising Organization, the hopeful candidates, and the PHGIC staff who organize the event to make it possible were the individuals attended during the said date. It is one of a lifetime chance for candidates who want to go and work in Japan to be chosen as a dairy farmer. Three applicants were chosen as the best applicants, offering these possibilities. For the selected applicants, Wish you all the luck and success. More possibilities awaits you for others not chosen. Don't stop to dream.
マニラのマラテにあるアメリーホテルで、酪農(島根県)に関するインタビューが行われました。この日は、雇用主、優秀な監督機関の会長、希望者、そしてこのイベントを実現したPHGICのスタッフが参加しました。酪農家として日本で働くことを希望する候補者にとっては、一生に一度のチャンスです。そんな可能性を秘めた優秀な応募者として3名の方が選ばれました。選ばれた方には、幸運と成功をお祈りします。選ばれなかった人にも、さらなる可能性が待っています。夢を持つことをやめないでください。The employer was looking for the qualified care workers
During the interview, the Japanese employer visited the Philippines to seek a qualified care worker. Our other Excellent Supervising Organization representatives attended the event which was held at the Partner-Licensed Agency. The event also gave hopeful applicants the chance to hire as care worker in Japan. Only five candidates who qualify for the interview and respond well are selected after the interview. The Selected candidates will be able to experience new technologies and facilities in Japan
面接の際、日本の雇用主は資格のある介護福祉士を求めてフィリピンを訪れました。パートナーである認可機関で開催されたイベントには、当社の他の優秀監理団体の代表者も参加しました。また、このイベントでは、希望者に日本で介護福祉士として採用されるチャンスが与えられました。面接の結果、合格した候補者の中から5名のみが選ばれます。選ばれた候補者は、日本の新しい技術や施設を体験することができます。A Selection was made for qualified care workers
In a major event which took place at the partner licensed agency, the Japanese Employers and our other good Supervisory Organization representatives visited the Philippines to interview and find a suitable and qualified care worker. The event is also attended by PHGIC Chairman and President of our Excellent Sending Organization. The interviewers who evaluated the applicant immediately decided who would be a part of their company as a caregiver and who could experience the best facilities in Japan
このイベントは、日本の雇用主と優秀な監督機関の代表者がフィリピンを訪問し、適切で資格のある介護福祉士を探すために行われました。このイベントには、PHGICの会長と優秀な派遣会社の社長も参加しています。面接官が応募者を評価した結果、誰が介護士として会社の一員になるのか、誰が日本の最高の施設を体験できるのかを即座に決定しました。A selection has been made of Skilled Workers' Applicants
Accepting Companies have been to the Philippines for an interview for various skilled works. In an interview, the employer or the representatives based not only on the response to their question, but also on the way and character of the candidates they evaluated. It shows that the candidates selected are passed on to their qualifications and are suitable for their respective companies. For the selected applicants, they will experience the finest technology and work in Japan
受け入れ企業は、様々な技能職の面接のためにフィリピンを訪れています。面接では、雇用主や代表者は、質問に対する回答だけでなく、評価した候補者のやり方や性格を基にします。それは、選ばれた候補者がその資格に合格し、それぞれの会社に適していることを示しています。選ばれた応募者には、日本で最高の技術と仕事を体験してもらうCare Workers ' applicants during the Japanese employer interview.
The Japanese employer went the Philippines during the interview to find a suitable care workers who qualifies for their organization. The candidates are hoping to be selected and ready for this kind of event, as well as being witnessed by our Excellent Sending Organization Chairman and PHGIC staff. In the interview, the Japanese employers, who assessed the applicants, decided immediately afterwards who would be a part of the company, offer such life-time opportunities.. The Selected candidates will be able to experience new technologies and facilities in Japan
Interviewed for competent applicants
Accepting Companies have been to the Philippines for an interview for various skilled works. In an interview, the employer or the representatives based not only on the response to their question, but also on the way and character of the candidates they evaluated. It shows that the candidates selected are passed on to their qualifications and are suitable for their respective companies. For the selected applicants, they will experience the finest technology and work in Japan
PHGIC © 2019